
A Holiday & Birthday Morning with My Family

Before I get started…
For anyone that’s into Enneagram, I have taken it several times and always end up with the same results: Type 2 W 3. Once I took it and they were reversed, but I’ve only ever gotten a 2 and 3 so I suppose it’s pretty accurate. :P I never put all my eggs into one basket with these personality tests, but out of any other before, this is pretty spot on.

All that to say, I find it natural to want to share parts of my life with others, but I specifically treasure hearing THEIR story. Within reason, I like to think of myself as an open book; personable and hospitable. So when I realized that as much as I love getting to build relationships with people, I don’t share much about my family or myself on social media, here on the blog, etc.

Going into the New Year, I want to do more of just that! You may see my face a little more, and hear about some more of our adventures, and of course I will continue to share about the amazing families, couples, and individuals I am blessed to work with!

So here’s small window into Christmas Morning at our place last week. December 25th was also my son’s 4th birthday. Every year, my husband and I nearly pass out blowing up a million balloons to hang from the ceiling for our son to wake up to on his birthday morning. Cedar’s favorite color was PINK this year, so pink balloons it was!

I would love to hear from YOU! Have you taken the Enneagram test before? Which type(s) do you most align with?
Do you have any family birthday or holiday traditions? Share in the comments!


Holiday Family Photos

I just finished up one of the last galleries of the season for family photos! It has been a blessing to work with some really spectacular and loving families and couples this year. I can’t believe another year is about to end and a new one is beginning!

What have you loved about 2018? What were some of your highs? The lows? I always end December with reflection, and encourage myself to HOPE for the New Year.

Family Session in Central Florida

For more into about family sessions or extended family sessions in Central Florida, in areas such as Lake Wales, Lakeland, Winter Haven, Bartow... and more, feel free to contact us.

For more updates about Petal & Vine, please follow our Facebook Page! We would love to connect with you!

Holiday Family Mini Session

The second this family asked if they could bring along their corgi, I knew it was fate.
Buddy, the corgi, showed up in this adorable bow! Perfect for family Christmas photos!

After the session, we ended up talking in the parking lot for a while. We realized that my husband and I got married in the month of January, just like they did. Both of our wedding days ended up having ideal sweater weather. Needless to say it was perfect that this morning of the session together, Florida decided to show off and bring about some BEAUTIFUL sweater weather for us to enjoy.


Mini Holiday Session:
Tan Family

For more into about family sessions in Central Florida, in areas such as Lake Wales, Lakeland, Winter Haven, Bartow... and more, feel free to contact us.

For more info about what it happening here at Petal & Vine, please follow our Facebook Page! We’d love to hear from you!